

这是 YI 的第 篇文章本文6500字,预计阅读 10min虚拟货币是一件高风险的事情,本文不构成任何投资建议。crypto currenciey are highly risky investments, and this article does not constitute any investment advice.01BTC的由来

比特币是一种由中本聪于2009年发布的加密货币,它基于区块链技术。中本聪是一个化名,他在一篇名为《比特币:一种点对点的电子现金系统》的白皮书中提出了比特币的概念和技术原理。比特币的初始创造发生在2009年,随后吸引了越来越多的人加入,进行挖矿和交易。比特币通过去中心化的方式实现点对点的交易,避免了传统金融系统的中央机构和中介(转账的过程中需要给矿工支付gas fee)。它使用区块链技术记录所有的交易和账户余额。比特币的总量设定为2100万枚,并通过挖矿的方式产生新的比特币,每四年减半一次。挖矿是指通过使用计算机解决复杂的数学问题来验证交易,并将其添加到区块链中。这个过程的难度逐渐增加,以保持比特币供应的稀缺性。比特币的出现是对现有金融系统的一种批判,追求去中心化。它提供了一种全球性的数字货币,让用户能够在互联网上进行快速、安全和低成本的交易,不受传统金融机构的限制。比特币的成功催生了其他加密货币的发展,并对金融和科技领域带来了深远的影响。


房价正上涨的时候,有多少人敢去all in,到后来更买不起。真正实现财富质变的投资方法,只能是高风险的all in。


Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency created by an individual or group known as Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. Nakamotos true identity remains unknown. In a whitepaper titled "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System," Nakamoto introduced the concept and technical principles of Bitcoin.

Bitcoins initial creation attracted a growing number of participants engaging in mining and trading activities. Bitcoin enables peer-to-peer transactions through decentralization, eliminating the need for central authorities and intermediaries in traditional financial systems (though transaction fees, called gas fees, are paid to miners during transfers). The technology behind Bitcoin, called blockchain, records all transactions and account balances.

Bitcoins total supply is capped at 21 million coins, and new bitcoins are generated through a process called mining. Mining involves using computers to solve complex mathematical problems to validate transactions and add them to the blockchain. The difficulty of mining gradually increases to maintain the scarcity of Bitcoin supply.

Bitcoin emerged as a critique of existing financial systems, aiming for decentralization. It offers a global digital currency that allows users to engage in fast, secure, and low-cost transactions over the internet, bypassing the limitations imposed by traditional financial institutions. Bitcoins success has influenced the development of numerous other cryptocurrencies and had significant impacts on finance and technology sectors.

As of June 23, 2023, the price of Bitcoin reached 210,000 Chinese yuan per coin. The mining cost of each Bitcoin is approximately 100,000 yuan. In my opinion, this price is already quite low. Currently, there are approximately 18 million Bitcoins in circulation, excluding the millions of coins that were mined early and have remained untouched. Hence, for the majority of people, it will become increasingly difficult to afford Bitcoin in the future. Investing in assets one cannot afford is more beneficial than solely seeking cheap options.

During periods of rising housing prices, few people dare to go all-in, and eventually, they can no longer afford it. The investment method that truly brings about a qualitative change in wealth can only be high-risk all-in.

Currently, real estate might not be the best asset investment. The excessive quantitative easing by countries like the United States and Japan has caused a severe global economic recession, with the US dollar dominating the world even more aggressively than in 2008. Therefore, owning a Bitcoin now could potentially enable purchasing a house or a sports car in the near future, within around five years.

02 BTC的发展以及未来

最近贝莱德等很多传统金融机构纷纷申请BTC的ETF,这也使得BTC在一周之内上涨了接近20%。一方面是某安被办了,然后这些大的金融机构纷纷像扩张美国市场,从一方面来看,如果大机构的接盘,势必会使得BTC走向下一阶段,最终使得BTC成为货真价实的digital gold。




区块链+AI+WEB3.0的结合我认为是一种强结合,随着区块链的发展,通过金融或者强权去剥削p民的机会会变得越来越少,例如 漂亮国量化宽松欠的白条,最后需要全球的人去给他们擦屁股,在未来只要BTC发展起来,通过量化宽松就会被杜绝。也会给那些想这么做的国家打一个大逼兜子。我本人对DEFI比较看好,像硅谷银行这种大型商业银行乱投资资产持有人的财产的事情在区块链上是不会发生的,因为这笔钱在区块链上是透明的,你的钱在链上staking可以获得银行一倍以上的interest,而且安全,何乐而不为。但是有一说一,真正敢拿真金白银冲进去的恐怕也只在少数人吧!这是一个新的市场,但是并不能说这就完全是骗局。

The recent applications for Bitcoin ETFs by traditional financial institutions like BlackRock have led to a nearly 20% increase in Bitcoins value within a week. On one hand, the crackdown on illegal activities, such as the closure of certain exchanges, has prompted these large financial institutions to enter the market. From another perspective, the involvement of these institutional investors is expected to propel Bitcoin into its next phase, ultimately solidifying its position as digital gold.

In the realm of conventional thinking, its important to avoid binary perspectives. Undoubtedly, the emergence of Bitcoin has made money laundering and illicit transactions easier. However, the fact that it can be misused doesnt necessarily make it inherently bad. If the government and institutions work together, it becomes challenging for funds associated with criminal activities to be converted into fiat currency, as the BTC transaction addresses of known criminals are essentially public knowledge.

An example that highlights the vulnerability of individuals on the internet is the incident during the Labor Day holiday where a project called X** locked up over 2,000 ETH. Currently, in the internet era, nearly everyone is exposed to various risks.

At this stage, Bitcoin is focused on attracting institutional investors, as they are more likely to facilitate long-term price stability. Once these major institutions enter the market and Bitcoin stabilizes at a price of $100,000, other Web3.0 projects will gain a continuous influx of funding. While perhaps only 5% of these projects will ultimately succeed without rug pulls, the value created in the future within the Web3.0 space could potentially exceed 1,000 times the current value.

I believe that the combination of blockchain, AI, and Web3.0 is a powerful synergy. With the development of blockchain, opportunities for financial exploitation and manipulation of the general public by powerful entities will diminish. For instance, the consequences of quantitative easing, as experienced by certain countries, will be eliminated once Bitcoin flourishes. This will also serve as a deterrent for nations considering similar approaches.

Personally, I have a positive outlook on DeFi. On the blockchain, large commercial banks, like Silicon Valley Bank, wont engage in risky investments that endanger the assets of their stakeholders. Transparency on the blockchain ensures that your funds are visible, and staking your money on the chain can generate interest rates exceeding those of traditional banks while providing security. Why wouldnt you take advantage of that opportunity? However, it should be acknowledged that only a minority of individuals are willing to invest significant sums of money in this new market. Not every venture within this space can be dismissed as a scam; it is a nascent market.




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